Family Programs
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Family Place
We offer a number of Family Drop-in programs throughout the community for parents/caregivers with children 0-5. Family drop-ins provide a variety of opportunities for families to socialize, to have a safe and fun place to play and learn and to get parenting information.
- Burnaby Neighbourhood House
Monday through Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30am
The program is free for members. Find out how to become a member. For further information on this program, please contact Maheen Khorram at 604-431-0400, or e-mail.
Family Access Interpretation Program
Trained Volunteers are now available to support families with children 0-6 who need help with interpretation. Program is funded by the United Way.
- Get help with appointments with teachers, etc.
- Have an interpreter come with you to a children’s program.
- Go to a community event with a volunteer interpreter.
Please note for anyone to get help from this program you have to take few steps and give us some time to arrange a meeting with the volunteers. Call Margaret at (604) 431-0400 for more information.
Neighbourhood Outreach
Support is available to families with young children who need help accessing community information and can assist families to connect with local community programs and services. Outreach workers are available in North and South Burnaby. Please call (604) 431-0400 for more information.
Sharing Cultures Nights
Monthly nights are organized by a committee of local residents at various locations throughout Burnaby. Each dinner features a cultural theme and is a great place to relax, and meet your neighbours. Cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children. Reservation is required.
Call our office at 604-431-0400 for tickets.
Community Kitchen
It’s a weekly program offered at Edmonds Neighbourhood Resource Centre and Burnaby Neighbourhood House -South that involves cooking, eating, and lots of great conversation and laughter. Families or individuals who have limited income join together to prepare healthy meals to take home, and to have lunch together. We always use everyone’s favourite family recipes and include many kid-friendly foods. Free childminding is available.
If you are interested in joining us, please call Lynn at 604-431-0400.