Overall Locations

Our Locations

Click on the map markers below to see the services available at each of our locations. 

View BNH Locations in a larger map

Burnaby Neighbourhood House (BNH South House)

#100-4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby (beside Metrotown Skytrain Station) | (604) 431-0400 |Send email message

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

  • Information and Referral
  • Caregiver Support
  • Community Adult Literacy Program
  • Computer Drop-In
  • ESL Classes, EAL Conversation
  • Family Outreach
  • Family Place Drop-In (For parents and their children age 0-5)
  • Frozen Meals for Seniors
  • Grocery, Meals and Delivery
  • Income Tax Clinic
  • Multi-Lingual Volunteer Support
  • Senior Peer Support
  • Senior Programs
  • Seniors Outreach
  • Seniors Together Programs
  • Settlement Services
  • Tai Chi & Sword
  • Volunteer-Facilitated Programs
  • Youth Leadership

North Burnaby Neighbourhood House (BNH North House)

4908  Hastings Street, Burnaby  | 604-294-5444 | Send email message

Monday – Friday | 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

  • Computer Drop-In
  • EAL Conversation
  • Family Outreach
  • Soup & Bun
  • North Food Hub
  • Community Cafe
  • Volunteer-Facilitated Programs

Community Hall (South Hall) – 5024 Rumble Street, Burnaby | 604-431-0400 | Send email message

  • South Food Hub
  • Events Rental (Rental Space availability, please contact: info@burnabynh.ca)

Childcare Locations

Clinton Neighbourhood Care – 5858 Clinton Street, Burnaby | 604-435-1222 | Email Preschool or School Age Program

(Also serving Nelson and Glenwood Elementary Schools)

  • Preschool (children age 2.5 – 5 years)
  • School Age Childcare (K-7)

Douglas Road Neighbourhood Care – 4861 Canada Way, Burnaby | 604-298-7094 | Send email

  • School Age Childcare (K-7)
  • Friendship Club (Send email)

Gilmore Community School – 50 Gilmore Avenue, Burnaby | 604-296-9013 | Send email

  • Friendship Club

Gilpin Neighbourhood Care – 5433 Ivar Place, Burnaby | 604-298-5355 | Email Preschool or School Age Program 

  • Preschool (children age 2.5 – 5 years)
  • School Age Childcare (K-7)

Lochdale Neighbourhood Care – 6990 Aubrey Street, Burnaby | 604-421-0401 | Send email

  • School Age Childcare (K-7)

Marlborough Early Year’s Care – 6051 Royal Oak Avenue, Burnaby | 236-833-4797 | Send email 

  • Early Years (children age 0 – 5 years)

Marlborough Neighbourhood Care – 5151 Sanders Street, Burnaby | 604-613-5616 | Email Preschool or School Age Program 

  • Preschool (children age 2.5 – 5 years)
  • School Age Childcare (K-7)

Maywood Neighbourhood Care – 4567 Imperial Street, Burnaby | 604-431-0484 | Send email

  • School Age Childcare (K-7)
  • Kids out of the Rain After School Program (Send email)

Stride Avenue Neighbourhood Care – 7014 Stride Avenue, Burnaby | 604-527-0444

(Also serving Taylor Park Elementary School)

  • School Age Childcare (K-7)

Stride Early Year’s Care – 7051 Stride Avenue, Burnaby | 236-833-4797 | Send email

  • Early Years (children age 0 – 5 years) – coming soon

Suncrest Neighbourhood Care  3883 Rumble Street, Burnaby | 604-671-3982 | Send email

  •  School Age Childcare (K-7)

Twelfth Avenue Neighbourhood Care – 7622 12th Avenue, Burnaby | 604-515-1900 | Send email

  • School Age Childcare (K-7)
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